AdBrite will sell ad space on your site for you. They have many options to generate revenue from your site. You control what type of advertising you would like on your site. (Sign up here). Ad units include:
- Text only (links to advertisers sites)
- Combination of Banners and Text (alternates depending on demand)
- Full page advertising (shown between pages on your site)
- Inline ads (keywords are highlighted and may be clicked)
- BritePic (monetizing photos)
- InVideo (monetizing your video)
Text only, and text w/banners work much like Google AdSense, advertisers may choose to place their advertisements throughout the network. When using the text w/banners, text will display when banners are not available.
Full page advertising allows appears between webpages on your website. When a visitor moves from one page to another they are shown an advertisement with the top of the webpage identifying your site and the bottom of the webpage is an ad. Each visitor will only see one per visit so they are not annoyed.
Inline Ads highlight keywords on your page by underlining them. When the mouse hovers over the word an advertisement appears to grab their attention and a click on the word earns you revenue. These ads are very unobtrusive and a nice supplement to other forms of advertising on the page.
BritePic ads allow you to monetize your pictures. By using the AdBrite system they place an advertisement at the top of your picture. When clicked you earn revenue.
InVideo ads allow you to monetize your videos. By using the AdBrite system they place an advertisement, much like BritePic, at the top of the video and you earn revenue when clicked.
You may choose any or all of the above. We will write about each advertisement type and test each one.
Sign up for AdBrite Here |